LagoLab Group Photo, Spring 2024 (Missing Elanor Fuller)

Meet the Current LagoLab Team

  • Laura in Colombia

    Dr. Laura Lagomarsino (PI)

    PhD, Harvard University (2015)
    BS, University of California- Berkeley (2008)

    I'm an Associate Professor of Biological Sciences and Director of the Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium at Louisiana State University.

    CV (Updated June 2024)

  • Janet Mansaray (PhD Candidate)

    BS, Howard University (2017)

    Joined LagoLab: Fall 2018

    Janet's research focuses on the systematics, evolution, and taxonomy of Centropogon subgenus Centropogon (Campanulaceae). She is particularly interested role of mutualisms in driving patterns of morphological evolution. Janet was supported by a Bridge to the Doctorate Fellowship for her first two years— Congrats, Janet!

    CV (Updated June 2024)

  • Laymon Ball (PhD Candidate)

    BS, California State University- Long Beach (2019)

    Joined LagoLab: Fall 2019

    Laymon is studying phylogenomics, macroevolution, and pollination biology of Hillieae (Rubiaceae), a Neotropical group of florally diverse epiphytic shrubs. Laymon is supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and an HHMI Gilliam Fellowship- go Laymon!

    CV (updated June 2024)

  • Diego Paredes-Burneo (PhD Candidate)

    BS, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (2010)
    MS, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (2019)

    Joined LagoLab: Fall 2019

    Diego is studying phylogenomics and introgression history of of the primarily high Andean genus Brachyotum (Melastomataceae) to understand the impact of Andean uplift on plant diversification. Follow Diego on Google Scholar!

  • Katherin Arango-Gómez (PhD Candidate)

    BS, Universidad del Valle, Colombia (2022)

    Joined LagoLab: Fall 2022

    Before coming to the LagoLab, Katherin teased apart hybridization history in Gesneriaceae. In her PhD research, Kathe will integrate across scales to understand the role of hybridization in Andean evolution— starting with the phylogenomics of Cavendishia (Ericaceae) and moving down to comparative phylogeography of widespread Andean plant species.

  • Aislinn at the herbarium at the Missouri Botanical Garden

    Aislinn Mumford (PhD Candidate)

    MS, University of New Hampshire (2022)
    BA, Trinity College Dublin (2020)

    Joined LagoLab: Fall 2022

    Aislinn has a long interest in plant diversity and is pursuing a PhD in plant systematics after deciding working on breeding of a single species (kiwiberry) during her Masters wasn’t enough! Aislinn will be working on phylogenomics and evolution of color signals in Palicourea (Rubiaceae) for her PhD dissertation.

  • Leilani Corleto (Postbaccalaureate Researcher)

    BS, California State University, Los Angeles

    Leilani is a postbacc with the LAGNiAppE program. She has previous experience working in icthyology and herpetology, the former at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. She is excited to dive deep into phylogenomics and diversification of Andean plants in the LagoLab!

  • Duangsamorn Boonwun Boyd

    BS, Chiang Mai University (2014) MSc, University of Phayao (2021)

    Joined LagoLab: Summer 2023

    Duangsamorn (Numwan) is interested in plant phytochemistry. She has worked on plants in the families Zingiberaceae and Poaceae to screen for phytochemicals and bioactive compounds with anti-oxidant, anti-tyrosinase, anti-aging and anti-bacterial properties. She is currently investigating the evolution of phytochemicals in Palicourea (Rubiaceae).

  • Daniel Santamaría-Aguilar (Research Associate)

    Daniel is a broadly trained Neotropical botanist interested in the floristics of his native Costa Rica, and taxonomy of various plant groups including Myristicaceae and Pentaphylacaceae. He is collaborating on several projects in the lab.