LagoLab Collaborators

  • Dr. Rosana Zenil-Ferguson

    Rosana is a PI on a collaborative NSF grant focused on comparative Andean plant diversification. She is a plant macroevolutionary biologist, statistical wizard, and Assistant Professor at University of Kentucky. Read more about Rosana’s research at her lab website.

  • Dr. Rachel Schwartz

    Rachel is a PI on a collaborative NSF grant focused on comparative Andean plant diversification. She is a computational biologist with a penchant for complex plant genomes. Read more about Rachel’s research at her lab website.

  • Dr. Julían Aguirre-Santoro

    Julián is a core collaborator on a collaborative NSF grant focused on comparative Andean plant diversification. He is a plant systematist with a special interest in Bromeliaceae and an Assitant Curator at the Missouri Botanical Garden. Julián is helping facilitate fieldwork in Colombia and leading phylogenomic research of Greigia.

  • Dr. Carrie Tribble (Postdoc)

    Carrie is a postdoc with Rosana Zenil-Ferguson and based at University of Hawaii. She is a taxonomic expert in Bomarea (Alstromeriaceae), and is collaborating on phylogenomics of this clade. You can read more about Carrie’s research at her personal website.

  • Dr. Charlotte Taylor

    Charlotte is a Rubiaceae taxonomist at the Missouri Botanical Garden. The LagoLab is working closely with Charlotte on a number of projects related to phylogenomics and macroevolution of Rubiaceae.

  • Dr. Tina Ayers

    Tina is a taxonomist and systematist of Lobelioieae at Northern Arizonia University. She is the lead PI on a collaborative grant with Laura that is focused on the phylogeny and biogeography of Mexican Lobelia. This grant is training PhD sudent Miguel Perez-Perez.

  • Dr. Samantha Gerlach

    Samantha studies ethnopharmacognosy at Dillar University in New Orleans. She is collaborating with the LagoLab to understand the evolution of secondary chemistry in Palicourea (Rubiaceae) through the LAGNiAppE postbacc training program.