LagoLab Alumni: Where are they now?

Former Postdocs

  • Dr. Ana María Bedoya (Postdoc, 2022-2024)

    Current Position: Assistant Curator, New York Botanical Garden (2024– )

    Ana was an NSF-funded postdoc studying comparative Andean plant phylogenomics and diversification between 2022-2024. While at LSU, she led a project focused on phylogenomics of Palicourea (Rubiaceae). Read more about Ana and her research at her personal website.

  • Dr. Laura Frost (Postdoc, 2018-2021)

    Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of South Alabama (2021-)

    Laura worked on phylogenomics and trait evolution of various plant groups, including Freziera (Pentaphylacaceae) and Otoba (Myristicaceae) during her time in the LagoLab, and was an anchor to the group during the lockdown phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re glad she stayed nearby! Laura and Laura continue to collaborate.

  • Dr. Lauren Eserman (Postdoc, 2017-2018)

    Current Position: Research Scientist, Atlanta Botanical Garden (2018-)

    Lauren played a crucial role in setting up the lab and generating our first data. We miss her, but her legacy lives on in the lab's organization and protocols.

  • Dr. Agnes Dellinger (Affiliated Postdoc, 2020-2022)

    Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Vienna (2023-)

    Agnes investigated the abiotic and biotic drivers of diversification in Merianieae (Melastomataceae) as a post-doctoral researcher funded through a FWF Hertha-Firnberg postdoctoral grant from the Austrian government. Agnes is now an Assistant Professor at University of Vienna. You can read more about her lab’s ongoing projects at her personal website.

Former Undergraduates

  • Olivia Degreenia (Undergrad researcher, 2021-2024)

    Current Position: PhD student, Hamilton Lab, Penn State

    Olivia worked on floral evolution of Centropogn subgenus Centropogon with grad sudent Janet Mansaray, and was also a dedicated herbarium assistant. While in the LagoLab, Olivia won a Young Botanist of the Year Award from the Botanical Society of America and a Distinguished Undergraduate Research Award from LSU.

  • Elanor Fuller (Honors Thesis Undergraduate Student, 2020-2024)

    Current Position: Field technician, California State Park System

    Elanor integrated her interests in botany, medicine, and philosophy in her research as a President's Future Leaders in Researcher at LSU. Her honors thesis focused on the phylogeography of Psychotria viridis (Rubiaceae), the active ingredient of ayahuasca. While at LSU, Elanor won a Young Botanist of the Year Award from the Botanical Society of America, and both Distinguished Communicator and Distinguished Undergraduate Researcher Certifications from LSU. You can read more about Elanor at her personal website.

  • Daisy Singletary (Undergraduate Research, 2018-2021)

    Current Position: Chemical lab technician, Eurofins

    Daisy conducted research on the phylogenomics and niche evolution of Otoba (Myristicaceae), working closely with Laura Frost. She spent a summer researching polyploidy in invasive plants at University of Louisiana Lafayette. After her LSU graduation in 2021, she spent in a year in a computational phylogenetics lab.

  • Ayah Ibrahim (Undergraduate Researcher, 2018-2020)

    Ayah completed an honors thesis on “Correlation between leaf morphology and environment in Centropogon subgenus ​Centropogon” under the mentorship of Janet Mansaray. She graduated with a BS in Biological Sciences from LSU in 2020.

  • Ricardo Romero-Gutierrez (Visiting Undergraduate Researcher, 2019)

    Ricardo was a visiting undergraduate researcher from the Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM) in Mexico City. He worked on DNA extraction of Palicourea (Rubiaceae) and morphometrics of flowers and hummingbird bills

  • Lauren Frankel (Visiting Undergraduate Researcher, 2018)

    Current Position: PhD student, Ané Lab, University of Wisconsin

    Lauren was a visiting undergraduate supported from an internship from Grinnell College. During her summer in the lab, Lauren analyzed phylogenomic data from centropogonid clade. She went on to a Data Analyst position at University of Maryland before going to graduate school in statistical phylogenetics. Read more about Lauren at her personal website.

  • Henry Crull (Undergraduate Researcher, 2017-2018)

    Henry generated images of pollen from herbarium specimens of Centropogon (Campanulaceae), as well as museum specimens of specialized hummingbird pollinators. He received an LSU Discover research grant to support his research.

  • Matthew Vlosich (Undergraduate Researcher, 2020-2022)

    Current Position: Medical Student, LSU Health Sciences Center School of Medicine in New Orleans

    Matthew is working with Laymon on using machine learning to predict pollination syndromes in Hillia (Hillieae).

Other Former Lab Members

  • Shelby Oliveaux (LAGNiAppE Postbacc, 2023-2024)

    Current Position: PhD student, K. Pfennig Lab, University of North Carolina

    Shelby was a postbaccalaureate research in the LAGNiAppE program who is investigated phylogenomics and the evolution of phytochemicals in Palicourea (Rubiaceae). She now (finally!) gets to work on herps as a PhD student at UNC.